Austin, TX: Starry Night @ Girlstart

GLOBE Observer: Clouds

Help scientists understand the sky from above and below! GLOBE Observer is an international citizen science initiative to understand our global environment. Your observations help scientists track changes in clouds in support of climate research. To participate, just download the app, go outside and follow the prompts in the app to observe your environment. Photograph …

UT Wins

Constellation Crafting This activity allows students to learn about the stars in our universe! All you need are pipe cleaners and beads to craft.  First research a constellation and learn all about it! Some questions to think about are: how many stars are in the constellation, how far away is it from Earth, what season …

The Franklin Institute

Take on the role of scientists and engineers while investigating the challenges of exploring and traveling in space with GSK Science in the Summer™ Be a Space Scientist! For this activity, your learners are a team of robotics engineers designing a rover to explore the surface of another planet. Your learners' job is to build …

Drag Racing Spools

Off to the races! Expand your physics knowledge while designing a wooden spool that uses mechanical energy to drive across the ground.