Austin, TX: Free First Sunday @ The Bullock

Toilet Paper Roll Snowflakes

Bring on the snow! In Texas, we have to make our own one-of-a-kind snowflakes since we rarely have cold weather. Get in the winter spirit and design a unique, festive toilet paper roll snowflake.Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

LED Superhero Logos

Design your own personalized LED superhero logo that would make Wonder Woman or Batman jealous. Explore properties of conductors and insulators to engineer (or create) a path that allows your logo to glow and embrace your superhero bravery.Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

LED Jellyfish

Have you ever seen jellyfish and wondered how they seem to glow in the dark? Discover the bioluminescent properties that allow a jellyfish to create light and design your own glowing jellyfish model using a circuit! Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List

Down To The Core

Soil, rock, clay – do you know what is below Earth’s surface? Design your own potato-coring device to discover how NASA scientists use core samples to study asteroids and other planets. Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!Materials List