Girl Start

Discovery Green STEM Saturday

Discovery Green 1500 McKinney St, Houston, TX

Free; limited to the first 60 kids Chaperone Required: Adults must stay with their children; no drop offs. Girlstart’s Discovery Green STEM Saturday initiative includes fun hands-on STEM activities that foster general awareness about STEM and encourage children and families to recognize that ‘STEM is everywhere.’ More information about STEM Saturdays at Discovery Green can …

Air Cannon

Boom! Boom! Boom! Explore the physics behind air pressure to engineer a cannon. Create a vortex of air to see how far you can launch your pom-pom across the room! Click here for a DeSTEMber activity! Materials List

Bee Hummer

Bzzzzzzz! Discover the science behind sounds as you engineer a device that creates air vibrations that sound like a swarm of bees. Click here for a DeSTEMber activity! Materials List

OzoBlockly Programming

From changing light colors to creating a square, there are many programming experiences you can discover using OzobotsTM, small programmable robots that follow color-coded or pre-programmed commands. Grab your smartphone and get ready to play and program at the same time! Click here for a DeSTEMber activity! Materials List