Meet our 2018 Houston Game Changers Keynote Speaker, Eileen Collins

Our second-annual Game Changers Luncheon in Houston is only three months away, and we can’t wait! We’re honored to have former astronaut Eileen Collins as our Keynote Speaker for the event as an inspirational role model and a former Women in STEM honoree.

Collins spent her childhood fascinated by airplanes and flying and took part-time jobs to save up money for flying lessons. She earned a degree in math and economics from Syracuse University and then began pilot training as one of the first women at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

Collins joined NASA in 1990 and gained fame for breaking boundaries for female astronauts. She was the first female pilot of a Space Shuttle in 1995, and 20 years ago, Collins was the first woman to be commander of a Space Shuttle mission. Over her four total space flights, she has logged more than 872 total hours in space.

Before her last mission, Collins gave an interview where she encouraged young women to follow in her footsteps and become test pilots and join her in being a Space Shuttle commander. She has great hope and support for those interested in space, like some of our Girlstart girls, saying: “The young people are going to be the ones to take us on to more exciting adventures.”

We’re excited to hear her speak at our Game Changers Luncheon on September 19 — tickets and table sponsorships available now! Until then, you can read more about her experience as a pioneering female astronaut here.