Watch this cool physics experiment come to life as we see how wax dripping from the candles propel the straws to move in a seesaw motion. If you are lucky you could eventually get a full rotation. Don’t forget to have some adult supervision and show your friends and family!
After School Spring 2018: Week 8
Girlstart After School is back and ready to go after Spring Break! This week, our girls built and attached wind turbines to toy cars to create wind-powered vehicles. As part of the design process, they systematically tested and made modifications to their turbine. Then, they compared their results to see which cars traveled the fastest!
Austin, TX – Lake Pointe Science Night
Girlstart will host a hands-on activity booth at Lake Pointe Elementary School’s upcoming Science Night. This event is open to members of the school community.
Houston, TX – Science/STEM Night at Memorial Drive Elementary
Girlstart will host a hands-on activity booth at Memorial Drive Elementary’s upcoming Science/STEM Night. This event is open to members of the school community.