Try a new way of blowing out a fire by using baking soda and vinegar in this cool chemical reaction. When combined, these two materials make carbonic acid which is quickly converted into CO2. When you tilt your container, you are pouring CO2 into the flame. This causes it to blow out! Don’t forget to have some adult supervision, and most of all, have fun!
Hands-On Wednesday: Conduction
Normally you need a pot and a stovetop to boil water. In this experiment, watch water start boiling without heating up the cup or making it catch fire. Conduction occurs as heat is being transferred through the paper cup from the flame to the water! Don’t forget to have some adult supervision.
Houston, TX – B!irthday Bash at Discovery Green
Discovery Green is celebrating a decade of free events at its 10th Birthday Party! Girlstart’s Discovery Green initiative includes fun hands-on STEM activities that foster general awareness about STEM and encourage children and families to recognize that ‘STEM is everywhere.’
Check out Girlstart’s activities at this free event:
Parachutes: Have you ever considered skydiving? Experienced skydivers know that the most important part of jumping out of a plane at extreme heights is having a reliable parachute to slow them down. Use your engineering skills to design, test, and revise a parachute that will get your skydiver safely to the ground!
Sound Sandwich: Create your own musical instrument using tongue depressors, rubber bands, and a straw to explore how sound is caused by vibrations. Sound moves in waves, and different sized waves produce different pitches of sound. Experiment with your Sound Sandwich to find the perfect tune to play for your friends!
Houston, TX – G.I.R.L.S. STEM Conference
Girlstart will host a hands-on workshop at Alief’s upcoming STEM Conference. This event is open to participants who have registered for the conference.