Highlights from Girlstart Film Festival Summer Camp

Lights, camera, action! During Girlstart Film Fest, the campers explore everything that goes into making the movies and TV shows they love to watch. After learning about all things lighting, cameras, and sound, the girls become directors to make their own short films!

The campers first learned about taking still images before recording video. They examined different types of cameras and learned techniques for taking quality photos. They set up lighting systems and used a variety of reflective surfaces and gels to change the style of the light in their photos. Then, campers enhanced their photos with an introduction to photo editing software.

The next step in the campers’ production was to come up with a story to tell in their film! They worked in groups to draw out a storyboard for their film. With the story in mind, the girls were able to determine what sound effects and props they would need. They experimented with random items to create their own Foley sound effects. The campers also became production designers to build and paint any props and set pieces they would need.

Finally, it’s time to film! First, the girls filmed B-roll footage, or background footage. Then on Thursday, they shot their short films. The girls experienced being on both sides of the camera, working in teams as actors, camera operators, and directors. After filming was completed, the girls edited all the footage to bring their stories together, as well as add effects.

On Friday, the girls presented all of their films to friends and family at Showcase. Thank you to everyone who visited to celebrate the camper’s hard work and support girls in STEM!