Highlights from Girlstart Goes West Summer Camp

Saddle up! This week the campers made their way west to explore the wild frontier. From cartography to geology to engineering, the girls learned what it takes to discover and settle new lands.

The first part of exploring is becoming familiar with the landscape. The girls learned about cartography and practiced making their own maps. They also learned about different kinds of rock formations and minerals, and panned for gold!

It’s important to keep people safe and healthy once they settle on the frontier. The girls learned how to lay out cities to efficiently use their land and help prevent the spread of diseases. They also experimented with different ways to make soap.

The campers did have the advantage of modern technology to help them in their expedition. They used a 3D modeling program to design their own cattle brands. They coded Sphero robots to navigate different terrains, and Ozobots to travel across maps of America. They also got a close up look at the Grand Canyon from right here at Girlstart through VR goggles!

On Friday, the campers showed off all of their hard work at Showcase. Thank you to all of the family and friends that came out to support girls in STEM!