Highlights from Girlstart’s Ready, Set, Rescue Summer Camp

Girlstart to the rescue! During our Ready, Set, Rescue camp, campers learned how to safely engineer buildings and designed new products for rescuing people out of dangerous situations.

First, the girls learned about natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires. With that knowledge, they were able to engineer buildings able to withstand strong winds, rain, and shaking, as well as create their own fire-resistant soil blend.

Rescuers need special equipment to keep both themselves and the people they are saving safe. The girls tested various materials and then used those to build insulated gloves for people that work in ice and snow and durable shoes for rescue dogs. They tested the buoyancy of various materials and built rescue boats for flood victims out of those materials.

Campers also explored ways technology can be used to keep people safe. Using green screen technology, the girls filmed their own weather forecast segments to warn people about how to prepare for their day. They also programmed rescue robots and drones for saving people out of places too dangerous for human rescuers to go.

On Friday, the campers displayed all of their hard work and projects for friends and family to see. Thank you to everyone that visited to support girls in STEM!