Highlights from Girlstart’s Scrub In Summer Camp

Is anyone here a doctor?! After this theme our campers have definitely been inspired to become one! This week, campers explored several different areas of the medical field, from bacteria and dissections to suturing and prosthetics.

Campers learned about the brain and the heart this week – but not just on paper! Girls got hands-on as they dissected these organs themselves. (Just to clarify, these were brains and hearts from sheep, not humans!) Curiosity overpowered any weak stomachs as girls discovered what was inside.

After taking things apart, the campers switched gears and put things together. Our doctors-in-training learned different types of sutures and practiced stitching up toy stuffed animals before suturing a real piece of meat. They also channeled their inner biomedical engineer to design their own prototypes for prosthetic limbs.

Many fields of medicine today use technology to their advantage. Campers made 3D models of ball and socket hinges and then printed them on our MakerBot Replicator 3D printer! They used high powered microscopes to examine different types of blood and then put on VR headsets to explore the human circulatory system. Girls even explored circuitry to create their own version of the popular Operation board game.

On Friday, friends and family visited to see all of the hard work their campers did during the week. Thanks so much to everyone who encouraged these young women in STEM!