Dr. Serena Hon

Girlstart’s Women in STEM weekly series highlights various women who are making a difference in STEM. Be inspired as these incredible women describe how they became interested in their field, provide insight into a day in the life, and share learnings from their experiences.

Dr. Serena Hon
Family Medicine Doctor at Austin Regional Clinic

Dr. Hon initially got involved with Girlstart to show girls that they can be doctors, too. We are excited to have her on the blog to talk about her journey to becoming a doctor!

Briefly describe your career.
I’m a doctor who sees patients of all ages– we see you when you’re sick and when you need regular checkups, and also help everyone else in your family as well!

Was there a specific person, program, or event in your life that led you to your career?
My own family doctor growing up, Dr. Ou, showed me that a girl who looked like me could be a doctor someday.

What are your favorite things about being a family medicine doctor?
I can help people when they’re feeling really bad and get to celebrate with people when they’re feeling good. I get to know the whole family, which makes me feel like part of the family.

What would you like to tell girls who are interested in pursuing a STEM career?
It may take some hard work, but so do most good things in life. It’s worth the effort you put into it, and keep the faith– you can do it. After all, who rules the world? Girls!

Why is confidence in STEM important for girls?
Science, technology, engineering, and math make the world go ’round. Feeling like you have the ability to learn about those fields gives you the ability to understand how the world works, and therefore better understand your place in it.

What is your favorite Girlstart moment?
I loved presenting at the “Scrub In” summer camp program for girls interested in medicine. Everyone was so involved, had great questions, and had a lot of fun exploring the medical tools.