Houston, TX – Girlstart at Discovery Green

Spring Break at Discovery Green, Houston, TX
March 12-16, 2018
12:00-4:00pm each day
Free for the whole family!

Celebrate Spring Break at Discovery Green with five fun-packed days for the whole family. Girlstart’s Discovery Green Spring Break initiative includes fun hands-on STEM activities that foster general awareness about STEM and encourage children and families to recognize that ‘STEM is everywhere.’

Check out the schedule for Girlstart’s activities:

Monday, March 12th
Down to the Core: Do you know what’s below Earth’s surface? Design your own coring device to discover how scientists use core samples to study Earth, asteroids, and other planets.

Plastic Rescue: Earth’s oceans are home to billions of animals and plants, but did you know millions of tons of plastics pollute our oceans everyday? Design a device that collects plastics and removes trash safely to help save animals and plants in the ocean!

Tuesday, March 13th
Slime: Do you love to play with gooey slime? Create your very own slime with just a few ingredients. The slime goo, called polyvinyl alcohol, is a liquid polymer and when you add the cross-linker solution, or sodium tetraborate, it links the long strands of polyvinyl alcohol molecules so when you pull out one polyvinyl alcohol chain, all the rest comes with it in a blob!

Marshmallow Slingshot: How far do you think you can launch a marshmallow? Use your knowledge of potential and kinetic energy to make your own marshmallow slingshot!

Wednesday, March 14th
LED Superhero Logo: Design your own personalized LED superhero logo that would make Wonder Woman or Batman jealous. Build your circuit using a coin battery, conductive copper tape, and an LED light; then decorate your logo to channel your inner superhero strength!

Miner Rescue: Design and engineer a piece of rescue equipment for miners trapped underground. Keep in mind your device needs to fit in in small space and lift up objects of different sizes and weight!

Thursday, March 15th
Foam Rockets: How do rockets fly? And how do engineers design them to know which direction they will travel? Design your own rocket, launch it, and test the best ways to keep it in the air.

Moon Landers: Imagine you are an aerospace engineer and have sent some astronauts to the moon. Design and build a shock-absorbing moon lander that will protect two “astronauts” from crashing when they land on the surface.

Friday, March 16th
Insta-Snow®: Have you ever wanted to play with fluffy snow even though it’s warm outside? Snow is only created during freezing temperatures, but now you can create and play with your own Insta-Snow and watch it fall to the ground before your eyes no matter how hot it is outside!

Kites: Most of us have flown a kite before, but have you ever wondered how a kite works? Build your own kite out of paper and explore how the force of lift can counteract drag and allow your kite to fly through the air!

More information about Spring Break at Discovery Green can be found here!