

The New Austin Children’s Museum Google+ Hangout


Gather your materials and watch another Google+ Hangout live today at 10am CST, here.

In this demonstration we will identify matter as the building blocks to the universe, most commonly found as solids, liquids and gases. We will explore the difference between physical and chemical reactions by mixing different ingredients and making observations.

Materials will include the following:
o             Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda)
o             Calcium chloride (Damp Rid)
o             Bromthymol Blue solution
o             Ziploc bag
o             2 spoons
o             Dixie cup
o             Safety goggles
o             Disposable gloves

If some of the above ingredients are not available try using the following instead:
•              Red cabbage juice to replace Bromthymol Blue solution
•              Any ice melt pellets used to melt snow and ice during winter months

All materials, except for Bromthymol Blue, are available for purchase at most grocery stores or superstores.

This experiment should be done with adult supervision.