Dream Big

What better way to start the New Year than by thinking about your future? When dreaming and setting goals for our lives, we not only need to think big, but also consider the steps it will take to achieve success. Decorate a star to represent your career goals and include the steps you will need to take along the way. Write a letter to remind your future self of your current dreams and goals!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!

Erupting Watermelon

Happy National Bicarbonate of Soda Day! Or Happy Baking Soda Day! Baking soda is used for many different things from baking to cooking to cleaning to creating explosions. Instead of creating a volcano model eruption we are using a healthier option, a watermelon. Grab a pack of Kool-Aid and some baking soda to create this unique chemical reaction.

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!