Guest Blog courtesy of SciGirls

These days social robots designed to interact with people are sold in stores as pets, housecleaners, and even healthcare assistants! To make these robots seem more humanlike, designers give them personalities using sounds, digital displays, and gestures. Can you communicate an emotion without using your face or voice? Find out with your friends and family in this Robot Body Language activity!

How do robot designers make robots seem more expressive? Watch the scientist profile to find out!

Solar Eclipse

What is a solar eclipse? Have you ever wondered what it would be like for the sky to suddenly go dark in the middle of the day? On August 21, 2017, everyone in the United States will get to witness an eclipse and experience how it turns the day temporarily into night. Create a model to observe how a solar eclipse occurs, and you will be ready to share your knowledge next August!

Click here for a DeSTEMber activity!

Click here for more information about the total solar eclipse taking place on August 21, 2017.

Get your free Girlstart solar viewer in February at our Starry Nights and WeatherFest!


DeSTEMber Materials List

Activities for the week of December 18th-24th 2016

Here are the materials for the fourth week of DeSTEMber:

12.18 – Tightrope Walker
12.19 – Solar Eclipse
12.20 – Robot Body Language (courtesy of SciGirls)
12.21 – Thread the Needle
12.22 – Laser Show
12.23 – Gumdrop Dome 
12.24 – Marble Mazes

12.18 – Tightrope Walker
1 clothespin (one-piece wooden one, not the spring type)
5 feet of fishing wire
2 full water bottles of different heights
2 pieces of 9″ long beading wire (skinny enough to bend easily)
1 pipe cleaner
1 straw (not bendy)
2 washers
Optional: markers and googly eyes for decorating

12.19 – Solar Eclipse
2 packing peanuts

12.20 – Robot Body Language (courtesy of SciGirls)
Paper and pencil
Large paper grocery bag
Optional: digital camera or video recorder

12.21 – Thread the Needle
A pencil (or dowel)
A washer with a hole that is a little larger than the pencil’s diameter (so the pencil can fit through it)
Lump of modeling clay

12.22 – Laser Show
Coffee can, or similar container, with approximately 4-6″ round opening
Laser pointer
Latex glove
Old CD (or other small reflective material)
Rubber band
Stand-alone speaker that fits inside the coffee can
Super glue
Metal straight edge
Permanent marker
X-Acto knife or box cutter

12.23 – Gumdrop Dome
11 gumdrops
Small plate
25 toothpicks

12.24 – Marble Mazes
1 marble
9″ x 7″ piece of cardboard
Tacky glue
20 tongue depressors