Winter Slime

Ooey gooey polymers! Observe the physical properties of matter while stirring together a wintery, non-Newtonian fluid.

Artic Migration

Duck... Duck... Goose! Explore Arctic Geese migration as you design a far-flying goose glider.

Circuit Reindeer

Light up the holiday night! Creating a glowing reindeer with a simple circuit as you channel your inner electrical engineer.

Science With Dee

What is a scientific craft that is perfect for winter? Borax crystal snowflakes! Make crystal snowflakes overnight with three simple ingredients: Borax, water, and pipe cleaners. Try twisting your pipe cleaners into …

31 Days of STEM Fun!


Thank you to our DeSTEMber partners!

Colorado River Alliance
Bat Conservation International
The Franklin Institute
Science With Dee
Hour of Code
Science is Elementary
Science Mill
Frontiers of Flight
UT Wins
Dallas Arboretum
The Science Mom